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Ozone water treatment for cooling tower

The cooling tower is the largest water consumer in buildings and industrial settings. Fortunately, continuous water recirculation, 0.3 mg/L of ozone, and a 5-minute contact time can sanitize water and provide a 99.9% neutralization of Legionella bacterium (SOURCE: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY, MARCH 1988). This eco-friendly solution for cooling towers is an effective disinfectant, deodorant, and sanitizer that eradicates bacteria, including fecal coliforms, E. coli, and Legionella, 3000 times faster than chlorine.

One of our clients successfully eliminated the use of biocides that previously required about 300 litres of chemicals annually. The water usage was reduced by 14%, and there was an 85% decrease in the ATP bacterial count, which improved Legionella management.

Image capturant la mise en place d'un système avancé d'ozonation industrielle par EMO3, visant à surveiller et améliorer la qualité de l'air dans les tours de refroidissement.

Agri-food - Water bottling plant

Photographie illustrant l'installation par EMO3 d'une solution intégrée d'ozonation industrielle pour un système d'embouteillage d'eau industriel.

Before water can be bottled, it must be treated and disinfected at bottling facilities. Ozone is a perfect solution as it provides total disinfection without altering the water’s natural flavor, while also making it color and odor-neutral. We recently provided a significant water bottling facility with a turn-key system that includes dissolved ozone sensor for full modulation of the ozone production. The ozone unit, which has been in use for several years, maintains an ozone concentration below 0.4 mg/L before bottling. The modulation used to control the ozone production is regulated by an ozone probe’s 4-20 mA loop.


Photographie illustrant l'installation par EMO3 d'une solution intégrée d'ozonation industrielle pour un système de traitement de l'eau à l'ozone dans l'agroalimentaire.

As organic foods continue to gain popularity, ozone water treatment is becoming the ideal solution in the food industry. Ozone can be used to sanitize and eliminate chemicals like chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and chlorine without affecting the food’s taste or appearance. Ozone water treatment is approved by Health Canada and the FDA as a sustainable and comprehensive solution. We provided a leading blueberry processor with a turn-key system from EMO3 to remove chlorine dioxide and enhance the flavor of their products.

Aquaculture - Fisheries

Photographie montrant un dispositif professionnel d'ozonation utilisé pour purifier l'eau en aquaculture.

Aquaculture is expanding quickly to supply wholesome protein to a growing population. Ozone is required in recirculating aquatic systems (RAS) to sanitize and disinfect recycled water. Ozone can reduce disease and water-bourne pathogens, and increase production yield without harming aquatic populations, as it reacts quickly and dissipates faster than chemicals. We provided a complete integrated solution incorporating a 100 g/h system to a leading aquaculture facility.

Numerous applications of ozone water treatment in agriculture

Ozone water treatment is widely used in the food industry for sanitation and water disinfection, and it has numerous applications in agriculture. Ozone can delay the growth of microorganisms, which makes it ideal for extending the shelf life of food and other products.

Surface sanitization with ozone

Ozone is an excellent surface cleaner and disinfectant, and it can be used to clean all kinds of surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, carriers, packaging materials, and equipment. Ozone treatment is often combined with other cleaning techniques such as pressure washing or steam cleaning.

Ozone water treatment for wastewater and cooling systems

In addition to eliminating taste and odor, ozone can be used to process wastewater, cooling water, and recirculated water. This makes it an ideal solution for industrial applications that require water treatment.

Extending the shelf life of food products with ozone

Ozone can slow the growth of microorganisms, which makes it an effective way to extend the shelf life of food products. It is often used in combination with other preservation techniques such as modified atmospheric packaging or refrigeration.

Safety precautions for ozone water treatment

It’s important to use resistant materials when exposed to ozone gas or ozone-treated water, as ozone can corrode some materials. In the food industry, it is crucial to follow safety procedures when using ozone water treatment, as ozone can also increase the risk of fire.

Ozone gas is a respiratory irritant and should not be inhaled, so it’s important to abide by all safety precautions when using ozone to treat air and water.

Choosing an ozone water treatment system for your business

When selecting an ozone water treatment system for your business, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your ozone application. The most commonly used type of ozone generator in water treatment is the corona discharge generator.

Ozone generators are available in different sizes and ozone production levels. It’s also essential to choose an ozone generator that is safe to use and has all necessary safety features.

The following factors should be taken into account when selecting an ozone water treatment system:

  •   Detailed requirements for your application

  •   Required ozone dosage

  •   Size of the ozone generator

  •   Level of automation required

  •   Cost of the ozone generator

    If you have any inquiries about ozone water treatment, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you in selecting the ozone water treatment system that best suits your needs.

Photographie illustrant des expert travaillant sur un modèle d'ozonation industrielle.
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