Integrated solution
At EMO3, we provide full integration of ozone systems for various applications such as public aquariums, aquaculture, cooling towers water treatment, agri-food, water bottling, and industrial wastewater treatment. We don’t just manufacture ozone generators, we offer turnkey ozone systems that can deliver production ranges from 50 g/h to 5 kg/h. Our engineering team uses computer-aided drawing (CAD) software to design each project based on your specific requirements.
To ensure functional automation, we incorporate most recent sensor technology to provide feedback on the ozonation process. We also offer venturi-type injection assembly ranging from 0.5 to 4 inches to ensure optimal ozone dissolution with water. The success of any ozone project depends on how well the system is assembled, and we strive to provide you with the best system possible. Contact us to learn more about our integrated ozone solutions.

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Other ozone systems
TaurusMC II (air-cooled)
The TaurusMC II series is a powerful, innovative, and robust ozone system that can oxidize wastewater contaminants such as cyanide and arsenic, precipitate various metals, and process organic materials that are difficult to handle biologically. This second generation platform is 15% more powerful, consumes 15% less energy, and weighs 10% less the previous version. It is built to produce ozone on demand and can handle complex applications for water treatment and disinfection. This modular system is available in increments of 50 g/h. The TaurusMC II ozone platform can be operated with a simple dry contact closure or modulated with an analog input to provide full production control.
Taurus MC II (water-cooled)
This modular ozone system is integrated and effective for larger water treatments. Similar to its air-cooled counterpart, the TaurusMC II system produces ozone on demand and is easily interfaced with a control panel. It is available in increments of 200 g/h. The TaurusMC II ozone platform can be operated with a simple dry contact closure or modulated with an analog input to provide full production control.
Our OzodorMC ozone treatment product is a complete solution for odor and small volume water treatment. It is eco-friendly, natural, powerful, and quick, offering you the best solution for your business.
Ozone Destruct Unit
Our ozone destructor ensures complete and hassle-free removal of excess ozone from contact tanks to create a healthy environment by eliminating residual or excessive amounts of ozone present in the air.